Yes, we offer a 7-day free trial with limited access to all features. Assess if Linkedmash meets your needs without any commitment. If you have any concerns, please reach out to us at As a product in beta, we are actively working to improve based on your feedback.
Yes, after the initial setup using our Chrome extension to import your existing saved posts into Linkedmash, you can access all features from your mobile by logging into Linkedmash. To sync new saved posts, you will still need our Chrome extension, which will automatically sync in the background whenever you open your Chrome browser.
We offer a 7-day refund policy. As Linkedmash is still in beta, we are eager to improve and address any concerns you may have. Please reach out to us at with your feedback, and we will do our best to make it right before processing your refund.
Yes, during the 7-day free trial, you can export up to 20 of your recent saved posts to Notion or Google Sheets. Additionally, you can import and export up to 20 new saved posts made within the trial period.
We're just getting started, and your feedback will help us achieve our mission to streamline knowledge gathering from LinkedIn saved posts. You can email us at
You can mail us at